Public Deliverables
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- Hits: 6004
[To be translated]
- D1. Raport asupra solutiilor existente de servere web distribuite
- D2. Raport de analiza de performanta servere web distribuite
- D3. Raport asupra caracteristicilor arhitecturilor multicore
- D4. Raport prototip sistem paralel de tratare a intreruperilor
- D5. Raport tehnic despre cai si path-uri intra-nod si intra-cluster
- D6. Raport procesare paralela TCP/SCTP
- D7.Raport algoritmi de maximizare throughput si politici de migrare
- D8. Raport sistem de stocare a datelor pe streamuri
- D9. Raport politici de caching cooperativ pentru stream-uri
- D10. Raport prototip server
Cluster based web servers built on multi-core architectures
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- Hits: 5756
This project aims to explore the impact of using multi-core architectures in cluster computing, with emphasis on cluster-based web servers. The problem of the clusters is that even if they have huge computation resources, enhanced now by the multi-core arhitectures, they are limited by the i/o performance. The i/o-bound class of applications suffers because the speed of the i/o devices is several orders of magnitudes slower than that of processors.
Within this project we will investigate specific parallel processing techniques for distributed operating systems that aim to speed up the access to the disk and the performances of the tcp/ip (or sctp/ip) stack of protocols for http cluster-based servers. These techniques speculate on the potential of parallelism both within the cluster node (at the level of the multi-core arhitecture) and intra-cluster (at the level of the distributed architecture of the cluster).
Project start date: 1 january 2009
Project end date: 15 december 2011