

TaxiFinder is an application that finds the taxi number with the lowest price, considering the user's current position.



The application main activity contains the logo and two buttons that allows the user to browse a list of towns and to automatically call the taxi with the lowest price given the current position provided by the mobile network.

Browsing the town list :


The current version displays a static list of town contained in a string-array resource.


When the user selects a town, a screen with two options appears. The user has the possibility to call the number provided or to send the number to friend.


Automatically call a taxi:

In the current version, for each town there only one phone number which is called. The user's position is obtained by using the LocationManager class, with the NETWORK_PROVIDER predefined variable. Although we have tried to obtained a valid position, the provider seems to be disabled, and the coordinates could not be retrieved.

By using the phone's menu button in the main Activity a menu is displayed, which contains the following options :


Displays a compass and updates all coordinates by using the magnetic field sensor. The actual compass has been drawn by extending the View class and overriding the onDraw method.

Display minimum information about the application(name, version and the development team):

Closes the application.

Future development:



- Sources and APK