- Because Android is a technology with a bright future, having one of the most significant increase in popularity as a mobile development target during the last few years
- We like working as a team, sharing knowledge and ideas
- Our faculty (Computer Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest) gave us access to a couple of Google Nexus One handsets for testing our applications
- We are supporters of open source software
- We love video games
- Obviously, we have a passion for programming
Using the ROSEdu Summer of Code annual program, we built a team consisting of 7 members. In the first week, we took time and familiarized with the basics of Android programming. We held presentations (in romanian language), followed by some small applications:
The next 2 weeks we split into 2 teams, each team developing a different game.
One team (Elena Burceanu, Alexandru Guduleasa, Razvan Ionita) chose to program a "Briker" version for the Android OS, as Alex had already developed Flash and C++ versions of the game. The result is an enjoyable puzzle game in which the user has to make a block ("brick", hence "briker") reach a certain point on the map, by determining the right set of moves that need to be executed without falling and dying, or getting stuck. It has a blue-themed graphic style and a hip-hop / jazzy background music. Here is an articole about Briker.
The other team (Irina Presa, Adrian Vasile, Razvan Oita, Daniel Rizea) decided to create an obstacle game played by moving the device like a steering wheel; they used OpenGL, making a dynamic, fast paced game in which reaction speed is very important if you want to avoid the obstacles and get a highscore. Here is an articole about Droid in a tunnel.