Running Intel VTune analyser on the NCIT Cluster



Running this profiler requires remote X acces. For this, familiarize yourself to this article. (Remote display on Cluster nodes).

!! VTune must run on a local hard disk. It can not run on the shared lustre file system. !!

!!You must be in group vtune to be allowed to run. Contact prof. Emil Slusanschi or myself for getting into the vtune group !!



  1. connect to fep using NX client and allow remote usage
  2. setup necesarry env. variables (DISPLAY, VTUNE_USER_DIR,
  3. run vtlec
Using modulefiles



Without modulefiles

Get your display screen by connecting via NX Client, allow remote display connections:

[alexandru.herisanu@fep-53-3 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY
[alexandru.herisanu@fep-53-3 ~]$ xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
[alexandru.herisanu@fep-53-3 ~]$


Now, your display variable will be

Run the following script (using bash or csh, this script is in bash. In this case we wanted to run this only on quad-wn16)


[alexandru.herisanu@fep-53-3 ~]$ qsub -q This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -cwd -S /bin/bash

export VTUNE_USER_DIR=/scratch/tmp
. /opt/intel/vtune/bin/
Your job 5 ("STDIN") has been submitted




Line 1: setup your remote display

Line 2: Use a local directory as scratch (you will also need to do the same with your workspace)

Line 3: Import necesarry vtune vars

Line 4: run VTune Eclipse.